Despite your blog being about investing, etc. it is obvious from your words that life, attitudes and other topics come into play and sometimes into clearer focus. The meaning behind the quote at the end was an epiphany for me in 2020. It took too many years for this Type A personality to realize much of life is not in our control and that I need to relax and focus on what is in my realm of influence. It has challenged my thinking and changed my conduct. In the process I have learned that contentment leads to peace and peace to happiness. Maybe in 62 more years I will have more of it figured out!
That's an outstanding epiphany to have. There is so much spillover. The longer I study investing, the more I realize I'm actually studying personal behavior and psychology. There is an entire field dedicated to the study - Behavioral Finance. My pursuit of knowledge in the field has taught me a lot about who I am as a person - I hope to bring out the same in others.
I would consider myself a "Type A" as well even though I don't totally love those generalizations. I think that coming to understand how much time and energy I consumed worrying about those things showed me how unproductive I was with that time. It can certainly be spent much better elsewhere. Inner peace is much larger than any day to day worries.
Hope you found some value in it this week. Thank you for the feedback, I love hearing that stuff.
Despite your blog being about investing, etc. it is obvious from your words that life, attitudes and other topics come into play and sometimes into clearer focus. The meaning behind the quote at the end was an epiphany for me in 2020. It took too many years for this Type A personality to realize much of life is not in our control and that I need to relax and focus on what is in my realm of influence. It has challenged my thinking and changed my conduct. In the process I have learned that contentment leads to peace and peace to happiness. Maybe in 62 more years I will have more of it figured out!
That's an outstanding epiphany to have. There is so much spillover. The longer I study investing, the more I realize I'm actually studying personal behavior and psychology. There is an entire field dedicated to the study - Behavioral Finance. My pursuit of knowledge in the field has taught me a lot about who I am as a person - I hope to bring out the same in others.
I would consider myself a "Type A" as well even though I don't totally love those generalizations. I think that coming to understand how much time and energy I consumed worrying about those things showed me how unproductive I was with that time. It can certainly be spent much better elsewhere. Inner peace is much larger than any day to day worries.
Hope you found some value in it this week. Thank you for the feedback, I love hearing that stuff.