Veterans Day
Hey there and happy Veterans Day to you whether you’ve served or not.
Today is just one of 365 opportunities we have to highlight and thank those who have worn the uniform. I wanted to share two brief thoughts
The first is to those who have served. While this is a great chance to get free food and gassed up “thank yous” from everyone on social media, I’d implore you to recall why you joined. You didn’t join for either of those things. You signed up for perhaps the hardest, most thankless job because you were committed to something bigger than yourself and that’s service. It isn’t wrong to accept praise because the sacrifice you’ve made is tremendous and you should be proud of that. Remember that it’s okay to be proud to have served year round, not just on one day.
The second to those who haven’t. Call or text the people you know who have and say thank you. The social media posts are great, but I would ask to what end is that serving? Likes? Comments? A direct message to someone you love will go so much further to express your gratitude.
I’ve got a new episode out this week with a badass vet. His name is Bernard Toney and his come up story his real. He went from extremely humble beginnings in Atlanta Georgia being the victim of a shooting to a White House Medical Officer during the time of Covid. We talk through health care inequity, why access to opportunity isn’t always the answer, and why the power of belief means so much.
Links to the episode on Apple Podcast and Spotify can be found below. Let me know what you think.
I have an exiting announcement coming in the next week or two. The podcast is coming up on it’s one year anniversary and going to be doing something really cool to highlight all the great folks I’ve had a chance to talk to in the last year while giving something back to the community as well. Hang tight.
Keep attacking.