Free College Tuition for ANYONE Service Connected
There is a university that offers FREE tuition to any military connected service member. Free.
Last week, I was privileged to host Barrett Bogue on the podcast to hear how his bootstrapped PR firm got to announce the news. A few interesting things on Barrett and this story.
Barrett is former Marine Corps, doing one middle east deployment smack dab in the middle of his undergraduate experience. Some gap year. This was the beginning of Barrett's love and passion for communication.
Why communication? His university had no idea how to help him. Fresh back from deployment was expected to join his classmates studying things like history, while he meanwhile was just a part of history early in the global war on terrorism.
Barrett graduated and went on to work at the VA for 10 years working on one of the highest impact programs ever created. The GI Bill. Interesting story on the history of GI Bill impact if you’re interested.
Barrett recounts the history of the GI bill and we talk about the monetary impact it's had on our country - I'll save that for him. Responsible for GI Bill Public Relations, Barrett identified the gap he'd been experiencing firsthand. Businesses and organizations not knowing or understanding how to communicate with veterans. So he set out to solve that.
Barrett bootstrapped a PR and consulting firm, Evocati, to solve this problem, driven by one of his key drivers he refers to as radical empathy. If you're interested in stronger messaging and communication with a dynamic population, check out Evocati.
’Founded in 2018, Evocati is a public relations and consulting firm that partners with leading businesses around the country to grow their investment within the military-connected community. Our mission is to empower any business with a cost-efficient means to research, market, and grow their impact within the military-connected community.’
Evocati was responsible for the announcement from Fayetteville State that the university is offering FREE tuition for any military connected person.
Along the way, Barrett participated in The Bunker Labs and Stanford's Ignite cohorts to help hone the value proposition he had. We talk pros the cons of bootstrapping a business, how to take the leap to start your own company, and the value of coaching received in the programs. I’m having the founder of Bunker Labs, Todd Connor, on the show coming in a few weeks so stay tuned for that.
As always thanks for reading and listening. I appreciate you.
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